Properties of natural cherry juice
Cherries are rich in potassium, which creates electrical pulses in the brain, which is very useful for times after exercise and helps recovery.
This mineral (potassium) is also very useful for blood pressure, water level regulation, muscle regeneration, nerve impulses, food digestion, heart health and body acid level regulation. A cup of cherry juice contains 330 mg of potassium, which provides 10% of your daily need for this substance.
Cherry juice for atherosclerosis and inflammation
Studies have shown that the antioxidants in sour cherry juice can help reduce pain and inflammation caused by arthritis.
Cherry juice for swelling
Usually, when people have pain due to inflammation, they quickly turn to all kinds of offending drugs, drugs that have many side effects. In a research in 2004, experts found that cherry juice had a great effect on inflammation in animals, and these effects have also been observed in humans.
Cherry juice for the body's defense system
Like all fruits and vegetables, cherries contain large amounts of antioxidants. There is a special type of antioxidants in cherries that are very effective in fighting diseases and help the immune system a lot.
Cherry juice regulates the body's metabolism
There is evidence that sour cherry juice can increase metabolism and reduce abdominal fat. Research has shown that anthocyanins, which are the reason for the red color of cherries, have great effects in fighting obesity. Also, in a research, scientists found that cherries can prevent metabolic syndrome.
Cherry juice for sleep
In addition to the anti-inflammatory properties that cherries have, due to the high amounts of melatonin, it can have an amazing effect in regulating sleep. In a research in 2010, it was found that the properties of cherry juice for sleeping are similar to sleeping pills.
Cherry juice for cancer
In a research in 2003, scientists discovered that cherries contain large amounts of Sulindac, which is the most important substance to overcome cancer tumors. Also, in an experiment on animals, the properties of cherries to prevent the growth of cancer were observed.
From now on, try to drink more cherry juice.
In this article, we introduce 7 wonderful properties of cherry juice